A Brief History & Origin Of Rage Rooms

This article is about the history, origin, and current trends of rage rooms. You may think what is rage room? A rage room is a place where people go to break things, like plates, to let out their stress and frustration in a safe way. It’s like a smashing therapy, and it’s become popular globally as a unique and fun way to deal with daily pressures.

History Of First Rage Room

Rage Rooms History

Back in 2008, when things were tough in Japan because of money problems, people found a strange but interesting way to feel better. There was a place in Tokyo called The Venting Place where people paid money to throw dishes against a wall. This was supposed to help them let out the stress caused by the bad economy.

Who Invented The Rage Room?

A guy named Katsuya Hara and his team of helpers own this mini-business. They thought breaking dishes could be fun and make people feel better when life was hard. So, many stressed-out workers went to this place, paid some money, picked dishes, and threw them at a wall to feel a bit better about their money troubles.

One person who tried it was Masaki Ogaware, a 35-year-old salesman. He said life is complicated and stressful, but smashing dishes made him feel refreshed and ready for a new day. Another person, Shigeo Sasaki, who works with computers, said everyone talked about the bad economy, and he needed a way to release stress. That’s when he found The Venting Place.

This unusual way of dealing with stress is part of a bigger trend in Japan. People there often try strange health ideas to handle the pressures of modern life.

Rage Rooms Today

After this moment a thing called Rage Room or Smash Room spread all over Asia to Europe and America. Fast forward to today, In the U.S. there are 350+ rage rooms all over the country. Every popular city has at least one rage room.

From breaking plates to going to cafes where they get a quick energy boost through a tube in their arm, these unique approaches show how people are trying different things to deal with tough times. The rage room, where people smash dishes, glass, bottles, electronics, and furniture becomes a kind of cool and different way for our generation to cope with the challenges we face.

Rise Of Rage Room

Rage Rooms have become a popular trend in the U.S. after the lockdown period. The Google Trends report below illustrates the rising interest in the term “Rage Room.”

This surge in popularity suggests a growing fascination with these spaces as people seek unique and cathartic ways to cope with stress and frustration, particularly in the aftermath of lockdown experiences.

More people are curious about rage rooms, showing that many are interested in different ways to deal with emotions and release built-up stress.

Global Expansion Rage Room

The main influencers for rage rooms are social media platforms, especially TikTok, and word-of-mouth recommendations. The trend is not just local; it’s going global, as indicated by the rising Google Trend graphs in countries like the UK and Australia. The increasing popularity of these platforms and the global expansion suggest that more people are discovering and talking about rage rooms, contributing to the growing trend worldwide.


So, This is all about the history of rage rooms, please let us know your thoughts on rage rooms in the comment section.